
Studio C is an occasional Podcast of wide-ranging subject matter. Here on our Weblog you'll find the latest news, shownotes and links.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Remembering Our Troops

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, our thoughts and prayers are with those who are serving our country, and especially those who are away from home this holiday. May God bless them and keep them safe.

Click here if you're interested in making a donation to the USO.

Here's another podcast for the holiday, including the 1947 Elgin Thanksgiving Radio Show.

Best wishes, from our family to yours, on this Thanksgiving day.

Episode 30: Thanksgiving With Father Knows Best

From November 23rd of 1950, it's the Thanksgiving Special from Father Knows Best.

Click here for the MP3 or subscribe to the show for free at iTunes.

Shownotes and Links

Father Knows Best Wikipedia Entry

Father Knows Best at Museum of Broadcast Communications

Abbott and Costello Thanksgiving Episode

NOEBIE.COM is licensed by BMI and ASCAP. We encourage you to purchase and enjoy legally distributed music. The old time radio show featured on this episode is a work in the Public Domain.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Episode 29: Life With Luigi - The Diamond Ring

This time around in Studio C we're listening to another broadcast of Life With Luigi starring J. Carrol Naish. Originally airing over the CBS Radio Network on November 9th, 1948, Luigi finds a stolen diamond ring.

Click here for the MP3 Download, or subscribe to the show for free at iTunes.


Volare by Joey Defrancesco from the album GoodFellas (available with our eMusic Free Trial)

NOEBIE.COM is licensed by BMI and ASCAP. We encourage you to purchase and enjoy legally distributed music. The old time radio show featured on this episode is a work in the Public Domain.

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