
Studio C is an occasional Podcast of wide-ranging subject matter. Here on our Weblog you'll find the latest news, shownotes and links.

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Episode 22: Wicked Game

We return after nearly a year's hiatus with a fresh episode from Studio C - an interview with award-winning author Jeri Smith-Ready.

Her latest novel, Wicked Game, comes out on May 13th. It's an interesting mix of suspense, romance, mystery, Rock'n'Roll and vampires!

I found this book to be a great read, and had a wonderful time visiting with Jeri.

Click here for the MP3 download, or click here to subscribe for free through iTunes.

Shownotes and Links
  • Kindle versions are also available for some of Jeri's books. Check out our episode page at Amazon.

Music Clips Included
  • Opening Theme: Rocker - Miles Davis
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